Siloam (Greek; interpreted “sent”), Pool (like drops of water that form a collective soothing common effort). If one had to describe this fueled with fire artist that chases away the chill, Siloam is sent to soothe.
Siloam Pool
Singer/songwriter; Siloam Pool’s early love of music is an affair of sorts that on and off again love stories are made. Time and time again Siloam would walk away from this love that just would not let her be. While studying as a pre-med. undergraduate at the University of Michigan, she took music theory and vocal classes. The shy young woman not confident in being the front person found satisfaction singing backgrounds.
Her writing and vocal style are poetically tranquilizing with soulful jazz infused rhythms where immediately you realize this is a voice you have not heard before. Learning to embrace her uniqueness has been an evolutionary process driven by a determination to be true to herself. As with the opening track, “truly muchacha” you are listening in on an intimate conversation where she tries to convince herself that she must tell the man she loves the truth about her past.
Siloam’s Euro style that is reminiscent of the “beatnik” era is romantically refreshing. Traveling unpaved roads is not uncommon for this debut artist. A fascination for cars since a pre-teen led to several years touring extensively with the North American International Auto Show. Once again this love of music would call. Siloam was invited to sit in on a rehearsal with Fred Hammond and RFC. That one rehearsal led to a year of performances, recordings and touring with the group that would solidify Siloam’s love for music once and for good. The following year she officially ended her tour with the North American International Auto Show and focused on her music.
Detroit, Michigan native SiloamPool along with Sidney Howard wrote, arranged and produced this debut EP, “Colors of Black & White” stating. “As our sound developed, it began to breath with a life of it’s own. Its’ variety of tempos are threaded to serenade the listener, which is how music I love first gets and keeps my attention. My dad loved Jazz and Soul; my mother loved classical music. The artist I grew up on was as diverse as it gets”.
The diversity of these musical influences include Nina Simone, Diana Ross, Marvin Gaye, Earth, Wind & Fire, Sting, Carlos Santana, Al Jarreau and Kathleen Battle to name a few. This diversity is reflected in the SiloamPool listener and was very evident as SiloamPool performed at the 2003 Comerica Tastefest in Detroit, MI (USA). Song after song the crowd intensified. Filling the rows and isles like a pied piper beckoning them note after note. Venturing to the sound stage to hear for the first time what others had already discovered.
The kinds of things that touch Siloam’s heart is notably recognized in the metaphorical title song “colors of black & white”. Which encourages us to appreciate the beauty in other races and nations. “It’s those things that make us different that make us beautiful. The song’s lyric is representation of races of people and how different and valuable each one is”, Siloam adds. “To help heal what ills us is why I wanted to become a doctor”. Ask if she has any regrets of not becoming a doctor? She gives a resoundingly no, “to write and perform music it’s what I love, that’s best of both worlds. Through music I learn to receive, give and hopefully ease someone’s pain by touching their soul and spirit, that is what it means to be sent”.