Settled and Due Featuring Rodney Hoskins: lead and side vocals; SIDney Howard: modeled strings, Steinway Grand piano
Settled and Due… [2 Timothy 3]
Another’s told, “The end is upon us.
Serious times are at hand.”
Sound that alarm bell
Tell them about the stakes involved
Walk them through all the doom, go far
We’ll then take a new-found hope-bound
Settled and dueThey’re pointing down
…peering at names on tombstones
…proving time has missed them
The doubt that’s stumbling off in them
Now dials up the certainty
Send it to them; bother someone
They’ll die young (i)f’I don’t
But they doubt the Son will let them fallDo you put upon yourself things abandoned?
There’re some times, folks…that I don’t see me getting in
‘til that same ol’ child that helped me know God
Showed up in the meantime to open thingsIs our “knowing” wrong? …built along these sound-beams.
And that foul bitume sim’ed and skimmed as gold
I don’t know what to know; who’s had it told?
Didn’t I do good enough to’ve earn it? I don’t know
Tell (them)…show them love in truth then go
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